Tooth Extraction Healing Stages: My Detroit Dentist

Tooth Extraction Healing Stages: My Detroit Dentist

December 1, 2022

What Is a Tooth Extraction?

It is a procedure for permanently detaching a tooth from the jawbone. Dentists typically perform tooth extractions on a need basis. Some reasons that can merit a tooth extraction are:

  1. Severe tooth decay
  2. Advanced periodontal disease
  3. Deep tooth fracture
  4. Overcrowding
  5. Abscessed tooth

What Is the Procedure for Extracting a Tooth?

The process of tooth extraction near you looks different for patients. A simple procedure often entails rocking the tooth back and forth until it loosens and detaches from the jawbone. However, in several cases, the dentist may need to perform a surgical procedure. The surgery entails cutting the gums to have proper access to the tooth. Further, sometimes a dentist has to break the tooth into small pieces for easy extraction.

What Happens After Tooth Extraction?

Immediately your dentist in Detroit removes your tooth (s), and he will place a gauze over the wound to control the bleeding. Ideally, this should be after suturing your gums, an optional step in all tooth extraction procedures. Your concern should be to keep the gauze in place to allow a blood clot to form. Some of the things you should anticipate after tooth extraction are:

  1. Swelling
  2. Pain, tenderness, and sensitivity
  3. Bleeding or streaks of blood in your saliva
  4. Jaw pain – especially when eating

What Are the Healing Stages After Tooth Extraction?

  1. Hemostasis – is also known as the blood clotting stage. The body develops a blood clot on the surgical site to seal the wound, control the bleeding, and initiate the healing process. The clot is temporary and will dissipate once healing has occurred.
  2. Inflammation phase – your body’s immune system responds with inflammation to wounds and trauma. It is a necessary healing phase as it helps control bleeding and lower the risk of infection by introducing healing and repair cells into the extraction site.
  3. Proliferation – features a stage of collection and organization of new cell tissues at the extraction site. The body generates new cells, a fresh network of blood vessels, and new bone tissue that begin to contract the wound.
  4. Remodeling – the body will start to destroy any cells that are no longer necessary for the healing process. Meanwhile, the remaining tissues will mature into a scar, ushering in the proper healing of the soft and hard tissues of the wound.

How to Speed Up and Ease your Recovery

After a tooth extraction in Detroit, you will need to make several adjustments to your lifestyle, particularly during the first seven days. In total, it should take about 14 days to make a full recovery after an extraction surgery. Therefore, you should employ measures to heighten your comfort while speeding up the recovery process. Some tips we recommend at My Detroit Dentist include:

  1. Change the gauze to replace it with a clean one – it applies for as long as the extraction wound is bleeding. Eventually, you will not need the gauze over the wound.
  2. Take the prescribed medication – the medication should help fight off infections and alleviate pain and swelling.
  3. Do not eat anything until the numbing wears off – it takes a few hours for the anesthesia to exit your system completely. Eating while still numb exposes you to accidents that might hurt your wound.
  4. Rest – do not engage in intense physical activities that will continue to draw energy from your body. Resting allows your entire body to focus on healing. If anything, you should have prepared for ample downtime before the tooth extraction near you.
  5. Eat soft foods only – eventually, you should be able to incorporate other foods into your meal. However, ensure you are not eating anything too tough to chew or abrasive to your gums.
  6. Avoid drinking through straws – they invite dry air into your mouth, worsening pain.
  7. Keep your head elevated when lying down to reduce blood pooling in the head, which aggravates inflammation and bleeding.
  8. Keep your mouth clean to avoid bacterial overgrowth that may lead to an infection on the wound. If unsure about dental cleaning protocols after the surgery, liaise with your dentist for tips and guidelines. Be open to replacing your toothbrush and other oral hygiene products.
  9. Avoid smoking and taking alcohol as they slow down the healing process.

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