Common Reasons for Tooth Extractions

Common Reasons for Tooth Extractions

March 4, 2022

Tooth extractions are not an elective treatment but become necessary to eliminate infections existing or potential from your mouth. Tooth removal is considered by dentists as a last resort after they exhaust all other techniques to preserve the tooth. Dentists are saviors of teeth and will not consider tooth extraction near you unless you have an existing infection that will harm your oral and overall health. Extractions are also considered when the chances of severely damaged tooth attracting conditions are high.

There are various reasons why dentists consider tooth extractions as optimal for your oral health. For example, if you are receiving chemotherapy for cancer or considering organ transplants, dentists may recommend you have your compromised teeth removed to prevent osteonecrosis.

When Do Tooth Extractions Become a Necessity?

Excessive decay, infections, injuries, and crowding are familiar reasons that make tooth extraction a necessity. Wisdom teeth your third molars erupting between 17 and 25 are often problematic because they remain trapped under the gum line to create problems like tooth decay and gum disease. The issues compel you to seek frequent treatments from dentists for conditions that are entirely preventable. The dentist in Detroit recommends wisdom tooth removal to eliminate the risk of infections in your mouth. Wisdom teeth that remain impacted under the gum line often need surgical removal of the tooth in an intensive procedure.

Advanced periodontal disease causes your jawbone to weaken, eventually leading to tooth loss. In such cases, the dentist recommends tooth extraction in Detroit before your teeth begin falling off.

Excessive tooth decay in a specific tooth can result in dental pulp infections that are painful and can lead the tooth to die. If you have extreme tooth decay, the dentist recommends root canal treatment to preserve your tooth. Unfortunately, if you delay getting the treatment or fail, the only alternative to safeguard your oral health is to remove the tooth from your mouth before the infection spreads to the other teeth.

If you intend to straighten teeth with dental braces but have extra teeth in your mouth, your orthodontist may recommend removing a couple of teeth to make space for your remaining teeth to shift into their proper positions.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

The tooth removal procedure except for impacted or broken teeth trapped below the gum line is pretty straightforward because visible teeth are removed by dentists providing you local anesthesia after numbing your gums with a topical anesthetic. However, impacted and broken teeth require surgical removal with more potent anesthesia like sedation or intravenous anesthesia. Tooth extractions are an outpatient procedure allowing you to return home soon after or after some observation at the dental clinic, depending on the type of anesthesia you received.

You will likely experience no pain during tooth extraction because the numbing medications block pain impulses from your teeth and gums, and the procedure itself is completed by dentists in quick time. Therefore you will likely feel the tooth extraction procedure was nothing more than a minor inconvenience to eliminate infections from your mouth.

Recovery after Tooth Extraction

The realization of having a tooth extracted will hit you when the numbing medication you received at the dental office begins wearing off. You will experience pain and sensitivity in the extraction site, making it essential for you to follow the after-care infections the dentist office in Detroit provides.

After tooth removal, the dentist places gauze over the extraction site, asking you to bite down firmly to help clot formation. You must leave the gauze pad over the area for three to four hours until it is soaked with blood. They also recommend a prescription or over-the-counter painkillers to manage your discomfort during the next couple of days. Recovery from tooth extraction requires a few days. During this time, you must exercise caution not to begin your regular activities like exercising or working for fear of dislodging the blood clot. Instead, you must use the time to rest and relax until you have fully recovered from the removal. Having crunchy and hard foods is challenging after tooth removal. Therefore you must exist on soft and lukewarm foods during your recovery and gradually introduce other foods into your diet.

After you have recovered, you can revisit the dentist office near you seeking replacements for the teeth removed except for wisdom teeth that you don’t need anyway. The common reason for removing teeth is because dentists aim to safeguard your oral and overall health and not because they dislike the teeth in your mouth.

Do you need to have one or more teeth removed for any conditions described above? If so, please visit My Detroit Dentist for the procedure, knowing full well the dentist will only attempt removal all treatment modalities have failed to preserve the tooth.

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